Treatment Centers
One key objective of the RARECAREnet project was to develop a list with existing treatment centres on rare cancers. The list of treatment centre provided was last updated in May 2016.
Orphanet, the portal for rare diseases and orphan drugs, identified treatment centres for rare diseases including rare cancers, on the basis of specific criteria and created a database with all the information.
RARECAREnet selected the centres treating rare cancers among the Orphanet database.
In 2014, all the country representatives within CanCon (the Joint Action on Cancer Control) were contacted with a short questionnaire asking them to explain the rare cancer situation within their county as well as provide a list of treatment centres and the criteria used for their identification.
You can consult the summary of the answers for each country by clicking on the country. The answers were provided in 2014:
Portugal (available soon)
IMPORTANT: The list established is not exhaustive and does not state that the selected centres are Centres of Excellence. The list is open to improvement but it will provide the basis to create a strong network of centers in the future.
Patients seeking treatment options should always first consult with their doctor.