RARECARENet – Information Network on Rare Cancers


Patient Organisations by Country

Brain Tumours

 Organisation Name: International Brain Tumour Alliance (IBTA)

Email: kathy@theibta.org

Phone: 0044 (0) 1737 813872

Website: http://www.theibta.org/

Address: PO Box 244, Tadworth, Surrey KT20 5WQ, United Kingdom

Organisation Name: Musella Foundation For Brain Tumor Research & Information

Email: musella@virtualtrials.com

Phone: 01 (888)-295-4740 / 01 (516)-270-5182

Website: http://virtualtrials.com/

Address: 1100 Peninsula Blvd Hewlett, NY 11557, USA

Haematological Tumours

Organisation Name: European Waldenström’s Macroglobulinemia Network

Type of Rare Cancer: Waldenström macroglobulinemia

Email: moom@planet.nl / secretary@ewmnetwork.eu

Phone: 0031 73 5217643

Website: http://www.ewmnetwork.eu

Organisation Name: CML Advocates Network / Leukemia Patient Advocates Foundation

Type of Rare Cancer: Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML)

Email: info@cmladvocates.net

Phone: 0049 89 6836807

Website: www.cmladvocates.net

Address: Leukemia Patient Advocates Foundation, Münzgraben 6, 3000 Bern, Switzerland

Organisation Name: MPN Advocates Network / Leukemia Patient Advocates Foundation

Type of Rare Cancer: Myeloproliferative Neoplasms (MPN)

Email: info@mpn-advocates.net

Phone: 0049 89 6836807

Website: www.mpn-advocates.net

Address: Leukemia Patient Advocates Foundation, Münzgraben 6, 3000 Bern, Switzerland

Intrathoracic Organs

Organisation Name: The European Lung Foundation (ELF)

Type of Rare Cancer: Rare types of Lung Cancer

Email: Sarah.Masefield@europeanlung.org

Phone: 0044 (0)114 267 2875

Website: http://www.europeanlung.org/en/

Address: 442 Glossop Road, Sheffield S10 2PX 


Organisation Name: Sarcoma Patients EuroNet e.V./Assoc (SPAEN)

Type of Rare Cancer: Sarcomas/ GIST /Desmoid

Email: info@sarcoma-patients.eu

Website: http://www.sarcoma-patients.eu/index.php/group-locator

Address: Am Rothenanger 1b D-85521 Riemerling / Germany

Bone Cancers

Organisation Name: Chordoma Foundation Europe

Type of Rare Cancer: Chordoma

Email: hans@chordoma.org

Phone Number: 0031 (0)6 250 950 25


Sarcomas / GIST


Organisation Name: Das Lebenshaus e.V. – Österreichischen Selbsthilfegruppe Anlaufstelle

Organisation Name in English: Das Lebenshaus e.V. – Austrian contact point

Type of Rare Cancer: GIST

Email: kh.riedl@aon.at

Phone: 0043 (0)5279 5253

Address: Leite 93, 6354 SANKT JODOK


Organisation Name: GIST Support Österreich

Type of Rare Cancer: GIST

Email: rainer.sawdyk@gmx.at

Website: Brand new webpage under construction


Haematological Tumours


Organisation Name: Myelom- und Lymphomhilfe Österreich

Type of Rare Cancer: Multiple Myeloma/Lymphoma

Email: elfi.jirsa@myelom-lymphom.at

Phone Number: 0043 (0)664 38 54 161


Address: Hervicusgasse 2/19, 1120 WIEN


Male Genital Organs


Organisation Name: Plattform Hodenkrebs Austria

Type of Rare Cancer: Testicular Cancer

Email: oth@hodenkrebs.at

Phone Number: 0043 (0)699 11518135


Address: Korngasse 11/2/6, 2405 BAD DEUTSCH-ALTENBURG

Brain Tumours


Organisation Name: CAN Cé-TU? asbl [Région Wallonie – Bruxelles]

Type of Rare Cancer: CNS

Email: info@cancetuasbl.be

Phone Number: 0032 477 66 76 49


Address: Rue de Gavre 8A, 7812 LIGNE


Organisation Name: Werkgroep Hersentumoren vzw

Organisation Name in English: Study Group Brain Tumours

Type of Rare Cancer: Brain Tumour


Phone Number: 0032 495 303 511


Address: Gasstraat 5 – B-2950 Kapellen


Haematological Tumours


Organisation Name: CMP Vlaanderen vzw – Contactgroep Multipel Myeloom Patiënten Vlaanderen vzw

Type of Rare Cancer: Multiple myeloma

Email: info@cmp-vlaanderen.be

Phone Number: 0031 (0)89-354366

Address: Chemin du Lanternier 26, 1380 LASNE


Organisation Name: LCH-Belgium – Langerhans cel Hystiocytosis Belgium vzw/asbl

Type of Rare Cancer: Langherans cell histiocytosis

Email: karelhenderickx@hotmail.com

Phone Number: 0032 16 490760


Address: Bovenbergstraat 20 A, 3020 HERENT


Organisation Name: Hodgkin en non-Hodgkin vzw

Organisation Name in English: Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin Association

Type of Rare Cancer: Hodgkin’s/Lymphomas

Email: info.hodgkin@gmail.com

Phone: 0032 9221 9910 (mobile: 0032 495 561 509)

Website: http://hodgkin.be

Address: Achterhekers 13 B-9052 Zwijnaarde Belgium


Organisation Name: LVV – LymfklierkankerVereniging Vlaanderen

Organisation Name in English: Flanders Lymphoma association

Type of Rare Cancer: Lymphomas

Email: info.lymfklierkanker@gmail.com

Phone Number: 0032 59 238565 (mobile Chantal: 0032 486 448482)


Address: Berkenlaan 1, 8420 DE HAAN


Organisation Name: MyMu Wallonie-Bruxelles (MyMu)

Type of Rare Cancer: Multiple myeloma

Email: b.beaume@skynet.be

Phone Number: 0032 (0)81/211937


Address: Avenue Montgomery 12, 7500 Tournai


Neuroendocrine Tumours


Organisation Name: NET & MEN Kanker België vzw

Type of Rare Cancer: Neuroendocrine Tumours

Email: info@net-men-kanker.be

Phone Number: 0032 471 217754

Website: http://www.net-men-kanker.be/

Address: Franchommelaan 124/F6, 8370 BLANKENBERGE

All Cancers


Organisation Name: Национална пациентска организация

Organisation Name in English: National patients organization

Type of Rare Cancer: All Cancers 

Email: asengeo@abv.bg

Phone Number: 00359 893555961 / 00359 (0) 2 958 95 19


Address: Sofia 1142, Lyuben Karavelov ? 3, 3rd floor, ap. 5


Sarcomas / GIST


Organisation Name: Сдружение на пациентите с ГИСТ в България

Organisation Name in English: GIST Alliance for Patients – Bulgaria

Type of Rare Cancer: GIST

Email: info@gist-bg.com

Phone Number: 00359 888 585 366 (personal dont have office)


Address: Nadejda I, 103, B, 66, Sofia


Endocrine Tumours


Organisation Name: ВИОМ

Organisation Name in English: VIOM

Type of Rare Cancer: Thyroid cancer 

Email: viom_ngo@abv.bg

Phone Number: 00359 888 788311

Website: http://www.thyroidbg.com/bg/

Address: D.Hadjikozevstr. 88, 1421 Sofia Bulgaria


Haematological Tumours


Organisation Name: Национално сдружение на хора страдащи от хронична миелогенна левкемия – ХМЛ

Organisation Name in English: Association of People Suffering from Chronic Myeloid Leukemia

Type of Rare Cancer: Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia (CML)

Email: hml@abv.bg

Phone Number: 00359 899123909

Website: http://www.hml-bg.com/

Address: Mladost 321V, apt. 8, Lovech


Organisation Name: BSL – Bulgarsko Sdruzhenie Limfom

Organisation Name in English: BSL – Bulgarian Lymphoma Patients’ Association

Type of Rare Cancer: Lymphomas


Phone Number: 00359 (0)2 866 47 00


Address: 15 “Cherni vruh” blvd, 1000 SOFIA


Neuroendocrine Tumours


Organisation Name: Асоциация на пациентите с онкологични заболявания АПОЗ

Organisation Name in English: Association of patients with cancer APOZ

Type of Rare Cancer: Neuroendocrine Tumours

Email: adarska@gmail.com

Phone Number: 00359 879815800 / (0)879 815 801


Address: 1000, София, ул. Стефан Караджа 24, ет. 2 офис 7

Haematological Tumours


Organisation Name: Hrvatska udruga leukemija i limfomi (HULL)

Organisation Name in English: Croatian Leukaemia and Lymphoma Society (HULL)

Type of Rare Cancer: Leukaemia / Lymhoma

Email: zagreb.hull@gmail.com

Phone Number: 385 1 4873 561 (mobile)


Haematological Tumours


Organisation Name: Ceská myelomová skupina, nadacní fond

Organisation Name in English: Czech Myeloma Group Foundation

Type of Rare Cancer: Multiple Myeloma

Email: cmg@myeloma.cz

Phone Number: 420 532 233 551 or 420 532 233 998


Address: Kamenice 753/5, 625 00 Brno


Organisation Name: Diagnoza Leukemie

Organisation Name in English: Diagnose Leukemia

Type of Rare Cancer: Chronic Myeloid Leukemia

Email: janapel@centrum.cz

Phone Number: 420 728 308 360


Address: Ústav hematologie a krevní transfuse, U nemocnice 1, 128 00 Praha 2


Organisation Name: Klub pacientu mnohocetný myelom (KPMM)

Organisation Name in English: Multiple Myeloma Patient Support Group

Type of Rare Cancer: Multiple Myeloma

Email: koordinatorka@mnohocetnymyelom.cz

Phone Number: 420 603310523


Address: Kamenice 5, 62500 BRNO

Head and Neck


Organisation Name: Hoved hal scancer

Type of Rare Cancer: Head and Neck

Email: jette.balslev@gmail.com

Phone Number: 0045 3333 9225 or 0045 4034 6838

Address: Østersøvej 14, 4673 Rødvig Stevns


Haematological Tumours


Organisation Name: Polycytæmi Foreningen i Danmark(PV foreningen)

Organisation Name in English: PV-The Association of Polycythemia Vera in Denmark

Type of Rare Cancer: Polycythemia Vera

Email: pvf@pv-foreningen.dk

Phone Number: 0045 4733 3501


Address: Spurvevej 9, 3550 Slangerup

Endocrine Tumours


Organisation Name: Aivolisäke-potilasyhdistys Sella ry

Type of Rare Cancer: Pituitary tumours

Email: piritta.ruuska@gmail.com


Address: Sepeteuksentie 1, 00760 HELSINKI

Brain Tumours


Organisation Name: GFME – Glioblastome Association Michèle Esnault

Type of Rare Cancer: Glioblastoma


Phone Number: 33 (0)4 91 64 55 86


Address: 22 Boulevard Camille Flammarion, 13001 MARSEILLE


Digestive organs


Organisation Name: AMARAPE – Association contre les maladies rares du péritoine

Organisation Name in English: AMARAPE – Patients association against rare diseases of the peritoneum

Type of Rare Cancer: Primary peritoneal tumor

Email: contact@amarape.com

Phone Number: 33 (0)4 78 86 59 84


Address: Centre Hospitalier Lyon Sud 165 Chemin du Grand Revoyet, 69495 PIERRE-BENITE


Endocrine Tumours


Organisation Name: APTED – Association des Patients porteurs de Tumeurs Endocrines Diverses

Type of Rare Cancer: Endocrine Tumours

Email: contact@apted.fr

Phone Number: 33 (0)1 43 67 59 17


Address: 162, avenue Lacassagne, 69424 Lyon


Haematological Tumours


Organisation Name: AFIRMM – Association Française pour les Initiatives de Recherche sur les Mastocytes et les Mastocytoses

Type of Rare Cancer: Mastocytosis


Phone Number: 33-(0)6-89-13-91-78.


Address: 3 Avenue Georges V, 75008 Paris


Organisation Name: Association ALTE

Type of Rare Cancer: MDS, Essential Thrombocythemia, CML


Phone Number: 33 (0)4 82 53 35 74 / 0033 (0) 981377212

Website: http://alte-asso.org/fr/

Address: 4 Rue Jules FERRY 69360 Saint-Symphorien d’Ozon


Organisation Name: Association Laurette Fugain

Type of Rare Cancer: Leukaemia



Address: 101 Rue des Sevres, 75279 Paris CEDEX 06


Organisation Name: Connaître et Combattre les Myélodysplasies (CCM)

Type of Rare Cancer: MDS


Phone Number: 33 (0)6 37 22 79 87

Website: www.myelodysplasies.org

Address: 19, rue de l’Estrapade, 75005 Paris


Organisation Name: France Lymphome Espoir

Type of Rare Cancer: Lymphomas


Phone Number: 0033 142385466 / 0033 607700546


Address: 1 avenue Claude Vellefaux, 75475 Paris cedex 10


Organisation Name: LMC France – Leucémie Myéloïde Chronique France

Type of Rare Cancer: Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia


Phone Number: 33 (0)6 52 55 73 80


Address: 66 chemin de la Valbarelle à Saint-Marcel, Rés. Lycée Est, Bât. 2E4, 13010 MARSEILLE


Organisation Name: SILLC – Aide, Soutien et Information pour la leucémie Lymphoïde Chronique et de la maladie de Waldenström

Type of Rare Cancer: Waldenström macroglobulinemia


Phone Number: 33 (0)6 21 02 78 62


Address: 56 rue du Château Landon, 75010 Paris


Organisation Name: Waldenström France

Type of Rare Cancer: Waldenström macroglobulinemia


Phone Number: 33 (0)4 90 87 09 30


Address: 2 Rue Hernandes de Heredia, 84000 AVIGNON


Sarcomas / GIST


Organisation Name: ASD – Association SOS Desmoïde

Type of Rare Cancer: Desmoid



Address: 45 Rue René La Combe, 49100 ANGERS


Organisation Name: Info Sarcomes

Type of Rare Cancer: Sarcoma



Address: 6 Cour des alliés, 35000 RENNES


Urinary Tract


Organisation Name: ARTuR – Association pour la Recherche sur les Tumeurs du Rein

Organisation Name in English: Kidney Cancer Research Association

Type of Rare Cancer: Rare Renal tumors

Email: emmanuel.ungauer@interview-efm.com

Phone Number: 33 (0)1 42 11 54 10


Address: 114 rue Edouard Vaillant, 94805 VILLEJUIF CEDEX

Sarcomas / GIST


Organisation Name: Das Lebenshaus e.V.

Organisation Name in English: The House of Life

Type of Rare Cancer: GIST/Sarcomas

Email: wartenberg@lebenshauspost.org / info@lebenshauspost.org

Phone: 0049 (0)700 4884 0700

Website: http://www.daslebenshaus.org/index.php

Address: Usa-Strasse 1, 61231 BAD NAUHEIM


Digestive organs


Organisation Name: TEB e.V. Selbsthilfe

Type of Rare Cancer: Pancreatic tumours


Phone Number: 0049 (0)7141 95 63636


Address: Ruhrstrasse 10/1, 71636 LUDWIGSBURG


Endocrine Tumours


Organisation Name: Netzwerk Hypophysen- und Nebennierenerkrankungen e.V.

Type of Rare Cancer: Endocrine Tumours

Email: netzwerk@glandula-online.de

Phone Number: 0049 (0)911-9792009-0


Address: Waldstr. 53, 90763 FÜRTH


Organisation Name: Ohne Schilddrüse leben e.V.

Organisation Name in English:

Type of Rare Cancer: Thyroid Tumours


Phone Number: 0049 (0)30 27581146


Address: Rungestraße 12, 10179 BERLIN


Organisation Name: SLD – Schilddrüsen-Liga Deutschland e.V.

Organisation Name in English:

Type of Rare Cancer: Thyroid Tumours


Phone Number: 0049 (0)228 386 9060 / (0)228 3779287 (Chairman)


Address: Waldstr. 73, 53177 BONN


Female Genital Organs


Organisation Name: VulvaKarzinom Selbsthilfegruppe e.V.

Type of Rare Cancer: Vulvar cancer


Phone Number: 0049 (0)4421972281


Address: Kniprodestr 94, 26388 WILHELMSHAVEN


Haematological Tumours


Organisation Name: EHX – Erwachsenen-Histiozytose-X e.V.

Type of Rare Cancer: Langerhans cell histiocytosis


Phone Number: 0049 (0)201 488990

Address: Langenberger Str. 805, 45257 ESSEN


Organisation Name: Histiozytosehilfe e.V.

Type of Rare Cancer: Langerhans cell histiocytosis


Phone Number: 0049 (0)214 504117


Address: Gluckstraße 30a, 51375 LEVERKUSEN


Organisation Name: HZL – Haarzell-Leukämie-Hilfe e.V. – HLH

Organisation Name in English: Hairy cell leukemia-eV

Type of Rare Cancer: Hairy Cell Leukaemia


Phone Number: 0049 (0)531 701 224 69


Address: Postfach 3001, 38630 Goslar


Organisation Name: Leukaemie-Online.de / LeukaNET e.V

Type of Rare Cancer: Leukaemia




Organisation Name: Leukämiehilfe RHEIN-MAIN

Type of Rare Cancer: Leukaemia


Phone Number: 0049 (0)6142 32123


Address: Falltorweg 6, D-65428 Rüsselsheim


Organisation Name: Mastozytose e.V.

Type of Rare Cancer: Mastocytosis


Phone Number: 0049 (0)7951 45431


Address: Ingersheimer Weg 2, 74564 CRAILSHEIM


Organisation Name: MDS Patienten Interessen Gemeinschaft

Type of Rare Cancer: MDS


Phone Number: 0049 (0) 6142 3 22 40 / 0049 41358401


Address: Falltorweg 6, D-65428 Rüsselsheim


Organisation Name: MPN-Netzwerk e.V.

Type of Rare Cancer: Myeloproliferative neoplasm

Email: info@mpd-netzwerk.de

Phone Number: 0049 (0)2761 660121

Website: http://www.mpn-netzwerk.de/home.html

Address: Thomas-Mann-Straße 40, 53111 BONN


Organisation Name: Selbsthilfegruppe Polycythämia Vera und Essentielle Thrombozythämie

Type of Rare Cancer: Essential Thrombocythemia, Polycythemia Vera

Email: gfhamel@t-online.de

Phone Number: 0049 (0)4141 63709

Website: http://www.polyzythaemie.de/

Address: Brauerstr. 43, 21680 STADE


Neuroendocrine Tumours


Organisation Name: BS-NET – Bundesorganisation Selbsthilfe NeuroEndokrine Tumoren e.V.

Type of Rare Cancer: Neuroendocrine Tumours

Email: nfo@net-shg.de

Phone Number: (030) 23 63 16 45 or 49 (0)30 41 99 4804

Website: http://www.net-shg.de/

Address: Ansbacher Straße 47, 10777 Berlin


Organisation Name: Netzwerk Neuroendokrine Tumoren (NeT) e.V.

Type of Rare Cancer: Neuroendocrine Tumours

Email: info@netzwerk-net.de

Phone Number: 0049 (0)911 2528999

Website: www.netzwerk-net.de

Address: Wörnitzstraße 115a, 90449 NÜRNBERG

All Cancers


Organisation Name: Σύλλογος Καρκινοπαθών – Εθελοντών – Φίλων – Ιατρών «Κ.Ε.Φ.Ι»

Organisation Name in English: “KEFI” Association of Cancer Patients of Athens

Type of Rare Cancer: All Cancer Types

Email: info@anticancerath.gr

Phone Number: 0030 210 6468 222/ 0030 210 6447 002

Website: http://www.anticancerath.gr/

Address: Aitolias 33-35, 115 23 Athens (2nd Floor)


Organisation Name: ΜΕΙΝΕ ΔΥΝΑΤΟΣ

Organisation Name in English: “Be Strong” – Association of cancer patients

Type of Rare Cancer: All Cancer Types

Email: info@bestrong.org.gr

Phone Number: 0030 210 86 200 85/ 0030 6932 209001 (mobile)

Website: http://www.bestrong.org.gr/

Address: Agias Zonis 1A, Kipseli, Athens 113 61


Haematological Tumours


Organisation Name: Artemis – Association on Histiocytosis

Type of Rare Cancer: Langerhans cell histiocytosis

Email: info@histioartemis.gr

Phone Number: 0030 210 452 0453


Address: 10 Skoule St, 18536 PIREUS


Organisation Name: Όμιλος Εθελοντών κατά του Καρκίνου- ΑγκαλιάΖΩ

Organisation Name in English: Society of Volunteers Against Cancer (AgaliaZO)

Type of Rare Cancer: Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia

Email: oekk@otenet.gr

Phone Number: 0030 2104181641


Address: Leosthenous 21-23, Pireas 18536


Sarcomas / GIST


Organisation Name: Όμιλος Εθελοντών κατά του Καρκίνου- ΑγκαλιάΖΩ

Organisation Name in English: Society of Volunteers Against Cancer (AgaliaZO)

Type of Rare Cancer: GIST

Email: oekk@otenet.gr

Phone Number: 0030 2104181641


Address: Leosthenous 21-23, Pireas 18536


Head and Neck


Organisation Name: Πανελλήνιος Σύλλογος Λαρυγγεκτομηθέντων

Organisation Name in English: Pan-Hellenic Association of Laryngectomees

Type of Rare Cancer: Laryngectomy

Email: pan_syla@yahoo.gr

Phone Number: 0030 2104186341 (Secretary)


Address: Leosthenous 21-23, Pireas 18536


Organisation Name: Όμιλος Εθελοντών κατά του Καρκίνου- ΑγκαλιάΖΩ

Organisation Name in English: Society of Volunteers Against Cancer (AgaliaZO)

Type of Rare Cancer: Larynx Cancer

Email: oekk@otenet.gr

Phone Number: 0030 2104181641


Address: Leosthenous 21-23, Pireas 18536

Haematological Tumours and Sarcomas / GIST


Organisation Name: CML és GIST Betegek Egyesülete

Organisation Name in English: CML and GIST Patient Advocacy

Type of Rare Cancer: CML

Email: cmlgist@cmlgist.hu

Phone Number: 0036 (0)6 20 33 83 331


Address: 6800 Hódmezovásárhely, Medgyessy Ferenc utca 6/C fszt. 6.



Brain Tumours


Organisation Name: A.I.T.C. Associazione Italiana Tumori Cerebrali Onlus

Organisation Name in English: AITC

Type of Rare Cancer: Brain, CNS


Phone Number: 0039 339 6899349


Address: via Stefano Canzio, 10 – 20131 Milano



Organisation Name: Italia Glioblastoma Multiforme – cancro al cervello

Type of Rare Cancer: Glioblastoma


Phone Number: 0039 3270859967




Organisation Name: ANB – Associazione Italiana per la Lotta al Neuroblastoma – ONLUS


Organisation Name in English: Italian Association for the Fight against Neuroblastoma

Type of Rare Cancer: Neuroblastoma


Phone Number: 0039 106018938


Address: Largo G. Gaslini, 5 – 16148 GENOVA


Sarcomas / GIST



Organisation Name in English: The Italian Association of GIST

Type of Rare Cancer: GIST

Email: barbaratamagni@yahoo.it

Phone Number: 0039 3331009951


Address: Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Via Venezian 1, 20133 Milano


Female Genital Organs


Organisation Name: ACTO – Alleanza Contro il Tumore Ovarico – onlus

Organisation Name in English: ACTO – Alliance Against Ovarian Cancer – non-profit organization

Type of Rare Cancer: Ovarian

Email: segreteria@actoonlus.it

Phone Number: 0039 (0) 370 7054294


Address: Via Marsala 11 –  20121 Milano


Head and Neck


Organisation Name: Associazione Italiana Laringectomizzati (AILAR)

Organisation Name in English: Italian Laryngectomees Association

Type of Rare Cancer: Head and Neck


Phone Number: 0039 (0)2 5510819


Address: Via Fruili, 28 Milano



Organisation Name: FIALPO


Organisation Name in English: Italian Federation of H&N Advocacy Groups

Type of Rare Cancer: Head and Neck


Phone Number: 0039 (0)45 561789 / 0039 372 405185


Address: Via Fratelli Rosselli, 11 – 37138 Verona


Haematological Tumours


Organisation Name: AIRI LCH – Associazione Italiana Ricerca Istiocitosi a Cellule di Langerhans – ONLUS

Type of Rare Cancer: Langerhans cell histiocytosis

Email: onlus@istiocitosi.org

Phone Number: 0039 041 5340721


Address: Via Aleardi 78, 30174 MESTRE (VE)



Organisation Name: Gruppo AIL Pazienti LMC (GAPLMC)

Organisation Name in English: Group AIL Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Patients

Type of Rare Cancer: Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia


Phone Number: 0039 (0)6 703 8601



Neuroendocrine Tumours


Organisation Name: A.I.NET. Vivere la Speranza – Amici di Emanuele Cicio ONLUS

Type of Rare Cancer: Neuroendocrine Tumours


Phone Number: 0039 (0)742 379614


Address: Piazzetta Don Brizio Casciola, 6/7 – 06036 Montefalco (Perugia)





Organisation Name: Associazione Fabrizio Ripa ONLUS

Type of Rare Cancer: Ewing’s Sarcoma

Email: info@fabrizioripa.org

Phone Number: 0039 090337499


Address: piazza Salvo D’Acquisto, 4 – 98049 Villafranca Tirrena (ME)

Bone Tumours


Organisation Name: HME-MO Vereniging Nederland

Organisation Name in English:

Type of Rare Cancer: Multiple osteochondromas


Phone Number: 0031 (0)516 45 1760


Address: Geert Lammertslaan 8, 8421 RT OLDEBERKOOP


Brain Tumours


Organisation Name: Stichting STOPhersentumoren.nl

Organisation Name in English:

Type of Rare Cancer: Brain Tumours



Address: Hoofdstraat 88, 3972 LC Driebergen-Rijssenburg


Organisation Name: Vereniging Cerebraal

Organisation Name in English: Supportgroup Braintumors Cerebraal

Type of Rare Cancer: Brain Tumours


Phone Number: 0031 (0)30 296 6575


Address: Palestrinastraat 1b, 3533 EH, UTRECHT


Sarcomas / GIST


Organisation Name: Contactgroep GIST Nederland – België

Organisation Name in English: The Netherlands/Belgium GIST Contact group

Type of Rare Cancer: GIST

Email: info@contactgroepgist.nl / secretaris@contactgroepgist.nl

Phone Number: 0031 (0)30 291 60 90 / Helpine: (0800) 0226622


Address: PO Box 8152 3503 RD Utrecht


Neuroendocrine Tumours


Organisation Name: Stichting NET-groep

Type of Rare Cancer: Neuroendocrine Tumours


Phone Number: 0031 (0)6 8359 0027


Address: Rosa Spierstraat 161, 2135 TS Hoofddorp


Haematological Tumours


Organisation Name: Histiocytose Nederland

Type of Rare Cancer: Histiocytosis


Phone Number: 0031 (0)6 1041 7340


Address: Ypendael 3, 3743 AW, BAARN


Organisation Name: MPN Stichting – Myeloproliferatieve Neoplasieën Stichting

Type of Rare Cancer: Myelofibrosis with myeloid metaplasia

Email: info@mpn-stichting.nl

Phone Number: 0031 (0)88 0074 300 (wed: 20h30-21h30)


Address: Postbus 10496, 6000 GL WEERT


Organisation Name: Stichting Hematon

Type of Rare Cancer: Leukemia, Lymphoma, Multiple myeloma

Email: secretariaat@hematon.nl / info@hematon.nl

Phone Number: 0031 (0)30-291 60 90

Website: http://www.hematon.nl/

Address: Postbus 8152,  3503 RD Utrecht, The Netherlands

Neuroendocrine Tumours

Organisation Name: CarciNor, Nevroendokrin kreft

Organisation Name in English: CarciNor, Neuroendocrine Tumors

Type of Rare Cancer: Neuroendocrine Tumours

Email: post@carcinor.no

Phone Number: 0047 21 420 680 


Address: Rådhusgaten 4, Oslo, Tlf. 06380 Postboks 8, Sentrum 0101 Oslo

Sarcomas / GIST

Organisation Name: Sarkomer Norway

Type of Rare Cancer: Sarcoma

Email: oddandreas@yahoo.no
